I am creating a macro variable with the SAS code below. It's storing a list of data names where I need to replace certain values in specific variables.
proc sql noprint;
select distinct data_name
into :data_repl separated by ' '
from TP_attribute_matching
where Country="&Country_Name" and Replace_this ne ' ';
I would like to skip the following 2 blocks if data_repl is empty. These 2 blocks go through each data set and variables in that data set, and then replaces x with y.
/*Block 1*/
%do i=1 %to %_count_(word=&data_repl);
proc sql noprint;
select var_name,
into :var_list_repl_&i. separated by ' ',
:repl_this_list_&i. separated by '@',
:repl_with_list_&i. separated by '@'
from TP_attribute_matching
where Replace_this ne ' ' and data_name="%scan(&data_repl,&i.)";
/* Block 2 */
%do i=1 %to %_count_(word=&data_repl);
data sasdata.%scan(&data_repl,&i);
set sasdata.%scan(&data_repl,&i);
%do j=1 %to %_count_(word=&&var_list_repl_&i.);
%let from=%scan("&&repl_this_list_&i.",&j,'@');
%let to=%scan("&&repl_with_list_&i.",&j,'@');
How shoould I do this? I was going through %SKIP and if then leave, but cannot figure this out yet.