I guess that the second list has {colour, designation,availability}.
There are two solutions:
The first solution is in second list, you add a calculated field that = if Availability=true:[field with color]:"". That will filter out all non-available colors. Yet, you should have a problem when changing from available to not available - i.e you 'll loose information on the previous records.
The second solution needs jquery and ajax. Basically, on document load, you check every option if it's available - if it's not, delete it.The only drawback is that you need to have somewhere jquery.js I'm in the house but if you want it, I could write the code tomorrow.
The code is:
$(window).ready(function() {
$("#PutHereTHeIDOfthedropodown > option").each(
function(index) {
if (window.console) console.log("inside" + index+"," + $(this).val()); //39, 51 κλπ
// $(this).hide();// with this, we hide the selection!!
var mythis = $(this);
$.ajax( {
url:"http://YourWebSite/sites/DNY/_api/Lists(guid'b5910edd-8a39-4d45-GUID-Of-The-List')/items(" + mythis.val()+")?$select=Active",
headers: {
"accept": "application/json;odata=verbose",
success: function(data){ console.log("ajax call SUCCESS");
console.log("Data:" + data);
console.log("Active: " + data.d.Active);
if (!data.d.Active) {
console.log("hiding: " + mythis.val() + "["+ "]");
error: function(error){
console.log(" =============================================>>Error:" + mythis.val());
console.log (JSON.stringify(error));
console.log(" Error:" + mythis.val());