Is it possible for an iPhone to search for any iBeacons in the area and get their UUIDs?
Short answer: no. Truthful answer: yes, but you have to use CoreBluetooth instead of CoreLocation. And it can be difficult.
iBeacons use a Bluetooth 4.0 advertisement packet to send out the 'beacon'. The structure of the packet can be found here and here. You need to use CoreBluetooth to get the advertisement data. The data you will need will be stored in the advertisementData
dictionary under the CBAdvertisementDataManufacturerDataKey
key. You will need to dissect this data to first, determine if the received advertisement was from an iBeacon; second, determine the UUID; third, determine the Major and Minor; and fourth, get the calibrated TX power (only if you need to estimate the distance between the iOS device and beacon). EDIT: This can only be done from OSX, not iOS
Radius Networks has done this already. Their Locate Beacon app can pick up any iBeacon.
A lot of people will tell you it can't be done, but it can.