I'm very new to matlab so there could be something blindingly obvious that I'm missing.
Basically, I've got a large dataset matrix (170k x 15) that I need to extract a relatively large amount of subtables from. It's 8 hours of sensor data from a bird that dives into the sea. I need to isolate each instance of the bird diving into the sea. Luckily one of the sensors is a pressure sensor which makes the whole thing much easier, but my problem is that once I've iterated through the data to find an instance of the pressure sensor going up and I've calculated the length and range of the 'dive', I don't know the best way of copying this extract of the matrix into it's own separate set.
What are the best functions for me to be using to simply take twenty rows of the matrix at a time and to put it into it's own unique matrix?
Sorry if this is obvious. I've had a good look around, but nothing seems to be answering my question. For the record, I'm very comfortable at programming. Just new to matlab.