I am working on a formula that delivers text from a cell in another sheet, that is to the left of a matched cell. This is as far as I have got.
In sheet 1 there is a selection of product data. There are product numbers in column A and there needs to be the correct barcode placed in each cell in column B. In sheet 2 there are also product codes in column A and barcodes in column B. However there are significantly more rows of data in Sheet 2.
What is needed is a formula to place in Sheet1!B2 that looks up Sheet1!A2 in Sheet2!A2:A50000. If A2 is matched at e.g. Sheet2!A90, then the result in Sheet1!B2 should be the value in Sheet2!B90. The specific issue I am having is getting the Sheet2!B90 in Sheet1!B2.