I think I've got a relatively easy problem here on my hands, just having trouble getting it to work. Let me preface this by saying I'm new to DAX.
Consider the following PowerPivot Data Model :
It consists of a Sales Records table, which is joined to a Date lookup table, as well as a "Daily Expenses" table. The "Daily Expenses" table stores a single value which represents the averaged cost of running a specific trading location per day.
It's extremely easy to produce a PivotTable that provides me with the total Sales Amount per store per [insert date period]. What I'm after is a DAX formulation that will calculate the profit per store per day - ie. Total Sales minus DailyExpenses (operating cost):
In theory, this should be pretty easy, but I'm confused about how to utilise DAX row context.
Failed attempts:
Profit:=CALCULATE(SUM(SalesInformation[SaleAmount] - DailyStoreExpenses[DailyExpense]))
Profit:=CALCULATE(SUM(SalesInformation[SaleAmount] - DailyStoreExpenses[DailyExpense]), DailyStoreExpenses[StoreLocation])
Profit:=SUM(SalesInformation[SaleAmount] - RELATED(DailyStoreExpenses[DailyExpense])
Any help appreciated.