I have an XML document with a list of xml, pdf, and tif files. I need to test via Schematron that each xml has a matching pdf file, and vice versa.
<!-- Missing file <file>bar.pdf</file> -->
My Schematron:
<schema xmlns="http://purl.oclc.org/dsdl/schematron" queryBinding="xslt2">
<!-- XML/PDF Matches -->
<pattern abstract="false" id="xmlPdfPair">
<rule context="folder/files//file">
<assert test="substring-before(.,'.xml') eq substring-before(.,'.pdf')">The XML or PDF (<value-of select="."/>) does not have a matching PDF or XML file.</assert>
I want the rule to fire on the missing bar.pdf which should be present in the file. My Schematron is not doing the trick. I feel like I need a for-each construct here. Would the use of keys make this simpler?