
Here is a simplistic summary of my module in Sitecore:

  • Module Folder
    • Venue Item (multiple)
      • Complete Bookings
        • Booking Item (multiple)
      • Incomplete Bookings
        • Booking Item (multiple)

There are many venue item and each have two folders underneath for complete/incomplete bookings which in turn have many booking items underneath them.

I'm setting up workflow roles and need to craft three roles:

  • Venue Editing
  • Venue Approving
  • Booking Managing

These are all easy to setup and secure the correct create/write/delete rights but my issue is that I have, per requirement, disabled inherent read access to the Complete/Incomplete folders as most Sitecore users should not have access to that information. I need to give one specific role read access to these folders and I'm not 100% on how to utilise (is possible) standard values to implement the persmissions.

I can't go into security editor and give each specific complete/incomplete folder read access as the venues will be created/deleted on an ongoing basis. Standard values doesn't seem to copy over its security settings to items instantiated from it. Am I correct in believing this?

Is my only option to set security settings via an event handler or is there a simpler way?

Look into using Template level security, that way it is not based on the content locaiton: sdn.sitecore.net/Articles/Security/Common%20Security%20Concepts/…jammykam
Sounds like a case for using Branch Templates. Take a look at chapter 3 (section 3.6) of this document: sdn.sitecore.net/Reference/Sitecore%207/…ishara
I considered using branches but they're created via user input integrated with a payment gateway so preferred to keep it managed with a codewardey

1 Answers


Thanks to jammykam for his helpful comment.

I was going in that direction at first but had forgotten that the permissions aren't retroactively applied to existing items so my test items indicated it wasn't working properly at first.

All sorted now.