I am trying to extend the Pentaho example of a simple TimeDimension to aggregate by Day Of Week
This is the example provided:
<Dimension name="Time" type="TimeDimension">
<Hierarchy hasAll="true" allMemberName="All Periods" primaryKey="dateid">
<Table name="datehierarchy"/>
<Level name="Year" column="year" uniqueMembers="true" levelType="TimeYears" type="Numeric"/>
<Level name="Quarter" column="quarter" uniqueMembers="false" levelType="TimeQuarters"/>
<Level name="Month" column="month" uniqueMembers="false" ordinalColumn="month" nameColumn="month_name" levelType="TimeMonths" type="Numeric"/>
<Level name="Week" column="week_in_month" uniqueMembers="false" levelType="TimeWeeks"/>
<Level name="Day" column="day_in_month" uniqueMembers="false" ordinalColumn="day_in_month" nameColumn="day_name" levelType="TimeDays" type="Numeric"/>
(Reference here)
My modified Dimension looks like this:
<Dimension name="Time" type="TimeDimension">
<Hierarchy hasAll="true" allMemberName="All Periods" primaryKey="date_id">
<Table name="dates"/>
<Level name="Year" column="year" uniqueMembers="true" levelType="TimeYears" type="Numeric"/>
<Level name="Month" column="month" uniqueMembers="false" ordinalColumn="month" nameColumn="month" levelType="TimeMonths" type="Numeric"/>
<Level name="Week" column="week" uniqueMembers="false" levelType="TimeWeeks"/>
<Level name="Day" column="day" uniqueMembers="true" ordinalColumn="day_in_week" nameColumn="day_of_week" levelType="TimeDays" type="Numeric"/>
I am running up against a challenge whereby Saiku (using as front end to the Mondrian Cube) insists that my Day
column should always be based on the hierarchy of Year-Month-Week which is obviously fine for drill down but not if I just want aggregates by day (e.g. Average sales on a Monday versus a Tuesday). I've tried adding another dimension but no matter what I do I end up with N * day name records where N is the number of records I have (ideally I'd have 7 rows returned based on the relevant Measure)
was actually keyed as an integer for day of month, so it was throwing out the day_in_week ordinal and day_of_week name column. However, changing thecolumn
attribute of the level to the day_in_week ordinal makes sense, but still duplicates all my days - I think because of the hierarchy! – kez