
The last HTML5 input field before a form's submit button is a spam filter asking the user to solve a simple algebraic equation that resolves to 4 before submitting the form to a separate page for php processing. The input field (type=number, name=ebot) watches for an onchange event and if detected calls a function. When I entered an invalid value and clicked 'submit' the form passed to php.

I then stripped down the function as indicated below to find out why.

function chkEvent() {
  var elemValue = document.forms['eFields']['eBot'].value;

Now entering anything into the input field (ebot) confirmed three (3) things:

  1. clicking submit fired ebot's onchange event and stopped the submit process
  2. the onchange event called the function chkEvent
  3. the alert box correctly displayed the user-entered value

I then restored chkEvent's original structure.

function chkEvent() {
  var elemValue = document.forms['eFields']['eBot'].value;
  if(elemValue <> 4) {
    alert("Please solve correctly for x.");
  } else {

Now, regardless of what is entered in the spam filter, the form passes to php when submit is clicked. The same behavior exhibits in Chrome, Firefox, and IE. I may have stared at this for too long but please, no non-JavaScript suggestions. Time constraints prevent me learning a new language.

I've often benefitted from the tremendous skill and expertise on this forum. Thanx everyone !!

I will say what you're doing is likely going to block about 1% of your spam traffic as most spam bots don't even run a real browser, let alone obey JS code on the page that might block a form from submitting. They just scrape the form content, post the variables directly to your action="" script and move on to the next page.Brian
What @Brian said. If anything, you should use JavaScript to submit the form, not block it. But then you lock out anyone who has JS disabled.Niet the Dark Absol
Also try changing if(elemValue <> 4) { to if(elemValue == 4) { or perhaps changing the 4 to '4' I believe the type returned from a text input is a string, not an integer, so you could be running into a type issue there.Brian
Your code isn't running because it contains syntax errors and the submit button's default behavior is taking place. Just look in your browser console.JLRishe
@Brian I think s/he's going for elemValue !== '4'.JLRishe

1 Answers


<> is not a valid javascript operator. Use != instead, assuming you meant <> as "not equal to".