I'm making an app in C#, with a lot of forms and other stuff. I wanted to localize it, so I used the integrated localization functions in VS. The app was originally in French (cause I am) with English translation RESXes, but now that it is on Codeplex with some other developers who doesn't speak french, I want to change the "default" language in the app and the RESX files so they can translate to other languages without reading French. Cause when you choose another language in VS Form Designer, it shows the default language (here, French). I tried to rename all the files, but the problem is all the form properties are stored in the default RESX, the French one, so if I rename, it will break all the stuff. Is it possible to change the default language to English?
EDIT: I think I need to be more precise. The app is originally in French. Then I localized it in English. There is now a MainWindow.resx that contains form properties + original french localization and a MainWindow.en-US.resx that contains ONLY english localization. So if in the Designer, in "Language" I choose "(default)" it shows me the MainWindow.resx FRENCH, and if I want to translate, It shows me the French texts. To make the translation more easy for the other developers, I want to make the MainWindow.resx ENGLISH localization and create a seperate MainWindow.fr-FR.resx. I also tried to change "Neutral Language" in AssemblyInfo.cs, no effect.