I am trying to create a text file using VB.Net with UTF8 encoding, without BOM. Can anybody help me, how to do this?
I can write file with UTF8 encoding but, how to remove Byte Order Mark from it?
edit1: I have tried code like this;
Dim utf8 As New UTF8Encoding()
Dim utf8EmitBOM As New UTF8Encoding(True)
Dim strW As New StreamWriter("c:\temp\bom\1.html", True, utf8EmitBOM)
strW.WriteLine("hi there")
Dim strw2 As New StreamWriter("c:\temp\bom\2.html", True, utf8)
strw2.WriteLine("hi there")
1.html get created with UTF8 encoding only and 2.html get created with ANSI encoding format.
Simplified approach - http://whatilearnttuday.blogspot.com/2011/10/write-text-files-without-byte-order.html