Is it possible to change the permissions output file context from:
Account Folder Path IdentityReference AccessControlType IsInherited InheritanceFlags PropagationFlags
NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM AllowFALSEContainerInherit ObjectInheritNone \uklonfap11\data\apps\ACCESS2 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM Allow FALSE ContainerInherit ObjectInherit None
BUILTIN\Administrators AllowFALSEContainerInherit ObjectInheritNone \uklonfap11\data\apps\ACCESS2 BUILTIN\Administrators Allow FALSE ContainerInherit ObjectInherit None
To something like:
Account Ace String Object Path SYSTEM Allow Full Control, this folder, subfolders and files (Inherited) \UKSHEFAP08\e$\Data\Global\PHE test cases\back up of phe\Test cases\Benefit statements Everyone Allow Modify, this folder, subfolders and files (Inherited) \UKSHEFAP08\e$\Data\Global\PHE test cases\back up of phe\Test cases\Benefit statements
Does this make sense or it requires a complete change to the code: a snippet of the code is:
$OutFile = "C:\Users\munjanga\Documents\AoN Project\Execute\Output.csv"
$Header = "Folder Path,IdentityReference,AccessControlType,IsInherited,InheritanceFlags,PropagationFlags"
Del $OutFile
Add-Content -Value $Header -Path $OutFile
$RootPath = "C:\Users\munjanga\Documents\Operations Orchestration"
$Folders = dir $RootPath -recurse | where {$_.psiscontainer -eq $true}
$isInherited = @{
$true = 'Inherited'
$false = 'Not Inherited'
$inheritance = @{
0 = 'files only'
1 = 'this folder and subfolders'
2 = 'this folder and files'
3 = 'subfolders and files'
$fldr = $Folder.FullName
$Folders | % {
$fldr = $_.FullName
Get-Acl $fldr | select -Expand Access |
select @{n='Account';e={$_.IdentityReference}},
@{n='ACE String';e={"{0} {1}, {2} ({3})" -f $_.AccessControlType,
$_.FileSystemRights, $inheritance[$_.InheritanceFlags],
@{n='Object Path';e={$fldr}}}
or format as custom table. Then export withExport-Csv
. – Alexander Obersht