I have the following view hierarchy:
Tab Bar Controller -> Navigation Controller -> Custom View Controller
In my Custom View I want the TabBar to disappear and show a toolbar instead. Much like in iOS7 native photos app when pressing 'select'.
I tried different solutions I found of SO but managed to get either:
- TabBar hidden and Toolbar shown with black gap
- TabBar hidden and Toolbar hidden
- TabBar hidden Toolbar shown with gap from bottom. However, Custom view content reaches the bottom of the screen (under the toolbar and in the same place the tab bar used to be)
The difference from other solutions I found is that I need this to happen on click and not on push.
Some of the things I tried:
// #1
[self.navigationController.toolbar setHidden:!isSelecting];
[self.tabBarController.tabBar setHidden:isSelecting];
// #2
self.hidesBottomBarWhenPushed = YES;
// #3
#1 & #2 variants @ different controller along the path
won't work in this case. But maybe I'm wrong. – Xyand