I am currently looking at localizing an ASP.NET website written C#.NET 4.5.1. Now I know about Local Resource Files and Global Resource Files and however I want to get a clearer picture on just how people go about doing this to make it more practical as I don't find it particularly nice having to create one or more local resource files for each webpage.
For example, the site has over 100 .aspx webpages. For each language I need to support I will need to create a separate .resx file. So supporting English, French and German for my home page would looks something like this:
Producing all of these files is going to be a hard slog. What I am considering is why can't I just use the Global Resource File for all of my pages? If I prefix each resource appropriately with a page name and textual description surely it is a slightly easier way to manage the localisation maintenance of the pages.
For example, my English Global Resource File would contain:
Default-TitleText - My Web Page Title
Default-BodyText - This is some example text for the body of my home page.
Login-TitleText - Enter your login details:
Login-UsernameText - Username
Login-PasswordText - Password
Login-SubmitButton - Login
User-Default-TitleText - Welcome to your personal page.
User-Default-Username - Hello {0}
User-Default-Logout - Click here to logout
As you can see I would prefix the resource key with page name and the text description. In the case of files in sub-directories I just prefix the page name with the directory name (i.e. User-Default-Logout).
For me this is a much more simple solution. Yes, the file will get quite big but everything is located in one place.
I wanted to get some feedback as to what other people actually do and if this is a practical idea or not.