I've been asked to support 2 URLs for JMX access to our server:
A secure one (service:jmx:rmi://localhost/jndi/rmi://localhost:2020/jmxrmi) An insecure one: (service:jmx:rmi://localhost/jndi/rmi://localhost:2020/insecure-jmxrmi)
The insecure one is primarily for demo purposes - no it won't be used during production.
I can create a custom ConnectorServer for /jmxrmi and provide an interceptor to use our security mechanism to verify credentials. If I just create a vanilla second ConnectorServer (no 'env' properties), however, using jconsole -debug to access it initially tries secure access, and puts up the dialog about that failing, then asking if I want to try it insecurely.
The docs I've read from Oracle/Sun indicate that I can disable password auth and SSL using a couple of command-line -D switches. But then does that not mess with the /jmxrmi secure access?
How do I support both secure and non-secure connections at the same time? Note that I don't need them using the same URL, of course.