I have a grid that for a cell I use a TimeField
text: 'InTime',
dataIndex: 'InTime',
editor: {
xtype: 'timefield',
format: 'H:i', // 24 hour format
altFormats: 'H:i', // 24 hour format
selectOnFocus: true,
minValue: '12:00 AM',
increment: 60,
maxValue: '11:00 PM'
My cells looks like this before and on editing:
At this point everything works fine, when I open the dropdown also everything looks fine:
But after I select a value from the list and change to other cell, then the value updated in the cell is a datetime string format text, like this:
Does anyone knows why is happening this?
of your data value is used. The grid does not magically render it like the editor (combo). Just as if you had a regular combo box drop down. See stackoverflow.com/questions/5900294/extjs-grid-combo-box-issue/… – Juan Mendes