I have the following code:
<bean:define id="hasDocuments" name="BudgetSimulationDetailForm" property="hasDocuments" type="java.lang.Boolean"/>
request.setAttribute("enablebtnRelatedDocs", "true");
request.setAttribute("hasDocuments", String.valueOf(hasDocuments));
I want to remove the scriptlet, I tried using c:set with different scopes but it didn't work. Is it possible to set a request attribute using JSTL tags?
I tried this and did not work:
<c:set name="enablebtnRelatedDocs" value="true" scope="request"/>
and also
<c:set name="enablebtnRelatedDocs" value="${true}" scope="request"/>
Afterwards there is an include:
<jsp:include page="/gema/jsp/includes/detail/top_Detail.jsp">
<jsp:param name="title_key" value="${title}" />
<jsp:param name="title_bundle" value="buc" />
<jsp:param name="standard_buttons_include" value="true" />
<jsp:param name="typeId" value="53555" />
<jsp:param name="detail" value="budget" />
Inside the included JSP the request attribute is not visible, apparently.
should work fine. Show us what you tried. – Sotirios Delimanolis