I'm having this macro. The aim is to take the name of variables from the table dicofr and put the rows inside into variable name using a symput.
However , something is not working correctly because that variable, &nvarname, is not seen as a variable.
This is the content of dico&&pays&l
varname descr
var12 aza
var55 ghj
var74 mcy
This is the content of dico&&pays&l..1
Below is my code
%macro testmac;
%let pays1=FR ;
%do l=1 %to 1 ;
data dico&&pays&l..1 ; set dico&&pays&l (keep=varname);
call symput("nvarname",trim(left(_n_))) ;
run ;
data a&&pays&l;
set a&&pays&l;
format nouv_date monyy5.;
proc sql;
create table toto
(nouv_date date , nomvar varchar (12));
proc sql;
insert into toto SELECT max(nouv_date),"&nvarname" as nouv_date as varname FROM a&&pays&l WHERE (&nvarname ne .);
A subsidiary question. Is it possible to have the varname and the date related to that varname into a macro variable? My man-a told me about this but I have never done that before.
Thanks in advance.
Edited: I have this table
date col1 col2 col3 ... colx
1999M12 . . . .
1999M11 . 2 . .
1999M10 1 3 . 3
1999M9 0.2 3 2 1
I'm trying to do know the name of the column with the maximum date , knowing the value inside of the column is different than a missing value.
For col1, it would be 1999M10. For col2, it would be 1999M11 etc ...
are wrong. You probably also want to create &nvarname differently, but it is probably okay. I think this entire procedure is wrongheaded, though; but I don't understand entirely what you're doing. Odds are you can do this all in datastep or similar without bothering the macro facility. – Joe