
I am using extjs 4.2.1. I have a grid with dragdrop plugin. I have added grouping summary feature. Drag drop stopped working after adding grouping feature (saying "Maximum call stack size exceeded ext-all-debug.js:16941").

I have tried on fiddle. Following code works with extjs 4.1.1 but not in 4.2.1.

Following is the code:

    Ext.define('TestResult', {
    extend: 'Ext.data.Model',
    fields: ['student', 'subject', {
        name: 'mark',
        type: 'int'

    Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
    width: 400,
    height: 440,
    renderTo: document.body,
    features: [{
        groupHeaderTpl: new Ext.XTemplate('<tpl for=".">', '<input type="button" value={name}></div>', '</tpl>'),
        ftype: 'groupingsummary'
    store: {
        model: 'TestResult',
        groupField: 'subject',
        data: [{
            student: 'Student 1',
            subject: 'Math',
            mark: 84
        }, {
            student: 'Student 1',
            subject: 'Science',
            mark: 72
        }, {
            student: 'Student 2',
            subject: 'Math',
            mark: 96
        }, {
            student: 'Student 2',
            subject: 'Science',
            mark: 68

    columns: [{
        dataIndex: 'student',
        text: 'Name',
        summaryType: 'count',
        summaryRenderer: function(value) {
            return Ext.String.format('{0} student{1}', value, value !== 1 ? 's' : '');
    }, {
        dataIndex: 'mark',
        text: 'Mark',
        summaryType: 'sum'
    viewConfig: {
            plugins: {
                ptype: 'gridviewdragdrop'
    listeners: {
        afterrender: function(grid, eOpts) {
            // Getting summary here
            console.log('Sum >> ', grid.store.sum('mark', true));
        groupclick: function(view, node, group, e, eOpts) {
            console.log('Clicked on ', group);
            if (e.getTarget().type === 'button'){
                alert('Clicked on '+ group);
I run it with extjs 4.2.1 and can't see the problem: fiddle.sencha.com/#fiddle/6s1Shalev Shalit
Is it droping the node in the correct position? and not giving error at the console? strange!!user3133994
Of course you can't drag between groups, because the sort is automatic. But you can enter the link and see for you self.Shalev Shalit

1 Answers


Try to add listeners in ViewConfig, and in this listener update column for grouping, some like this

    Ext.define('TestResult', {
extend: 'Ext.data.Model',
fields: ['student', 'subject', {
    name: 'mark',
    type: 'int'

Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
width: 400,
height: 440,
renderTo: document.body,
features: [{
    groupHeaderTpl: new Ext.XTemplate('<tpl for=".">', '<input type="button" value={name}></div>', '</tpl>'),
    ftype: 'groupingsummary'
store: {
    model: 'TestResult',
    groupField: 'subject',
    data: [{
        student: 'Student 1',
        subject: 'Math',
        mark: 84
    }, {
        student: 'Student 1',
        subject: 'Science',
        mark: 72
    }, {
        student: 'Student 2',
        subject: 'Math',
        mark: 96
    }, {
        student: 'Student 2',
        subject: 'Science',
        mark: 68

columns: [{
    dataIndex: 'student',
    text: 'Name',
    summaryType: 'count',
    summaryRenderer: function(value) {
        return Ext.String.format('{0} student{1}', value, value !== 1 ? 's' : '');
}, {
    dataIndex: 'mark',
    text: 'Mark',
    summaryType: 'sum'
viewConfig: {
        plugins: {
            ptype: 'gridviewdragdrop'
        listeners: {
            beforedrop: function(node, data, overModel, dropPosition, dropHandlers) {

                var groupColumnDropV = overModel.get('subject');

                var thisRowModel = data.records[0];
                var groupColumnDragV = thisRowModel.get('subject');
                var student = thisRowModel.get('student');
                if ( groupColumnDropV != groupColumnDragV){
                        thisRowModel.set('subject', groupColumnDropV);
                        url: '/url_to_ajax/update_group_column',
                        params: {
                            student: student,
                            subject: groupColumnDropV
                        success: function(response){


listeners: {
    afterrender: function(grid, eOpts) {
        // Getting summary here
        console.log('Sum >> ', grid.store.sum('mark', true));
    groupclick: function(view, node, group, e, eOpts) {
        console.log('Clicked on ', group);
        if (e.getTarget().type === 'button'){
            alert('Clicked on '+ group);