So I've got an Ember select view inside of an each
that changes the context. And I am assuming that's why I cannot get access to the controller property.
This is the code
{{#each stuff}}
{{view Ember.Select class="form-control" content=../all_types value=type}}
//In my controller
//I have this variable
all_types: ['stuff', 'more stuff', 'even more stuff']
So I've tried all_types
and ../all_types
which seems to be the way to refer to the parent context. Even so, it's not working.
I do want to say that other Ember select views
are working in the same way that I am trying with this one, the only difference is that they are outside of the each loop. Which is why I assume that the each is causing the issue.
variable is from the model that I am iterating over. – user1952811