I'd like to verify a user's email address by sending them a verify-email-message. Do you know of a good Rails plugin that they've used or seen?
Since I didn't see anything good via Google, at this point, my thought is:
- Add a verified boolean field to the user model. Default false.
- After user is added (unverified), combine email with a salt (a secret), and create the sha1 hash of the email/salt combo. The result is the verification.
- Send a welcoming / verification email to the user. Email includes a url that has the email address and verification as GET args to a verify action on my server.
- The verify action recomputes the verification using the supplied email and checks that the new verification matches the one in the url. If it does, then the User rec for the email is marked 'verified'
Also will provide action to re-send the verification email.
Any comments on the above?