
I am trying to insert new contacts and leads in salesforce using external api call in apex batch. I am running once in a day and inserting 500 contacts or leads in salesfoce. But my batch file is inserting duplicate contacts with same email address. I want to skip contact or lead records to insert when same email id already exists with another record.

If I check email address using query for each record then the SOQL query limit will be a problem.

How I can avoid duplicate insert in contacts or lead in salesforce.

Thanks in Advance Rajendra J.

Apex code:

request.setMethod('GET'); request.setTimeout(120000); request.setEndpoint('http://api.nurturehq.com/contacts/many?nurture_id='+last_insert_id+'&limit=10&auth_token='+obj_authentication.nurture_authentication_key__c); request.setHeader('X-Api-Version', '2.0'); request.setHeader('X-Access-Id', 'APP_ID3MVG9A2kN3Bn17hvx6UytrOeZp67_J835ecdoZ5eJmyC_BQS227UFPVb5KgNJW7YpVd9oTA6sCJ19msqZQ9sY'); request.setHeader('X-Access-Secret', 'SECRET_KEY4317178691269588217'); JSONParser parser = JSON.createParser(response.getBody()); // system.debug('jsondataaaa'+parser); NurtureSingleton__c nurSingle = [SELECT nurture_last_insert_contact_id__c FROM NurtureSingleton__c limit 1]; List listContacts = new List(); while (parser.nextToken() != null) {

            if (parser.getCurrentToken() == JSONToken.START_ARRAY) {
                while (parser.nextToken() != null) {

              if (parser.getCurrentToken() == JSONToken.START_OBJECT){

                  Contacts cnts = (Contacts)parser.readValueAs(Contacts.class);


                 if(String.isEmpty(first_name)) {

                 if(String.isEmpty(last_name)) {

                         listContacts.add(new Contact(FirstName = first_name , LastName = last_name,Email=cnts.email,Title=cnts.title,Birthdate=cnts.birthdate,Phone=cnts.phone,
                             MailingPostalCode = cnts.zip, MailingCountry = cnts.country,Department=cnts.department,Salutation=cnts.Salutation,

                             nurSingle.nurture_last_insert_contact_id__c = cnts.id;
                          //insert listContacts;


       insert listContacts;

1 Answers


you stated that "But my batch file is inserting duplicate contacts with same email address."

Question here is , is it a duplicate or just the same email address?

You will need to compare the whole record or at least first name , last name email and phone Enterprise businesses will have point of contact emails, meaning that Mr smith Mrs Yong and other can and will have an email like support@... or Info@..... and customer-care@.. So a simple validation on Email can't work if you have already one person in the list but another lead comes up.

Imaging a hospital that got [email protected] , now you are selling health / hygiene products and selling direct to doctors, you are already selling to 2 doctors there and a 3rd ( a new lead joins) but you can only reach them under [email protected] , the new lead would not be created as you only compare the email address