I have a bound pop up form with a Clear data button. It runs the Undo command.
The Form_Current event sets this button's enable property to False.
The Form_Dirty event sets this button's enable property to True.
The button's property is always set to False even after I enter data into the form. I think this is because my Form_Load event is populating two fields. One is passed from the main form as an OpenArgs, the other is the unique ID which is calculated based on the OpenArgs value.
Any suggestions as to how to get the Dirty event to activate under these circumstances? If not, then an alternative approach perhaps?
Thanks in advance.
Code below:
Private Sub cmdUndoChanges_Click()
CustID_temp = Me!CustID
FacNo_temp = Me!Unique_ID
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdUndo
Me!CustID = CustID_temp
Me!Unique_ID = FacNo_temp
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Current()
Me!cmdUndoChanges.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Dirty(Cancel As Integer)
Me!cmdUndoChanges.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim test As Integer
Me!CustID = OpenArgs
test = DCount("Unique_ID", "tbl_Table2", "CustID = '" & Me!CustID & "'")
If IsNull(Me!UNIQUE_No) Then
test = test + 1
Me!Unique_ID = CustID & "-" & test
MsgBox "No Previous Data"
' these will be turned back on when the user selects the
' modify data button or add new data button.
For Each ctl In Me.Controls
Select Case ctl.ControlType
Case acTextBox, acComboBox, acOptionGroup, acCheckBox
ctl.Locked = True
ctl.BackColor = 15066597
Box40.BackColor = 15066597
End Select
Next ctl
End If
MsgBox Me!Unique_ID
End Sub
to confirm the event does not fire at all. And if it never fires, it may be because Access occasionally "loses track" of event procedures. If you go back to the form's property sheet and click the 3 dots on the far right side of the On Dirty property box, you can remind Access about the existing event procedure. – HansUp