
I have an SSRS report that is currently pulling a single dataset. This dataset contains records of inventory we have. Each record is a separate asset.

I want my report to group by a certain field, and then subgroup by certain criteria that are determined with a couple different fields. Basically there is one parent group, and three adjacent subgroups. My grouping functionality is working correctly, however I am finding it difficult to add totals to each of the adjacent subgroups. When I add a total, it is totaling the specific field within the scope of the entire dataset, instead of limiting the total to just that subgroup.

How can I add totals per field within subgroup?

EDIT: Added sample data and explanation:

You can ignore the function code field, that is what I am using to group on the parent group.

asset number,description,first year,acquisition cost,function code
190,random asset,2008,5000,100
193,random asset45,2008,56000,100
197,random asset26,2014,3000,100
191,random asset27,2014,7000,100
192,random asset36,2013,15000,100

I can't seem to attach screenshots, so here goes..

In the report you can see three subgroups; Assets, AssetAdditions, AssetDeletions. In the tablix, you can see where these groups are positioned. You can also see a row directly beneath the group that is supposed to total the subgroup at the end. However, for some reason the scope is only taking into account the entire dataset. I have tried to modify the expression in the Sum function [Sum(acq_cost), "Assets"], adding in the scope parameter but then it does not allow me to even run the report. It yells at me saying that "Assets" is an invalid scope.

Can you add some sample data and your desired result? There is no reason this shouldn't be possible.Ian Preston

1 Answers


The easiest way I have done this in 2012 VS is to have it return as part of the data set and have it sum up the value.

For instance if you have a quantity for inventory, and you have a subset where you only want the total quantity for that set, you add another column to your dataset called TotalSetQuantity and the subtotal field will have the expression =SUM(Fields!TotalSetQuantity.Value) rather than =SUM(Fields!Quantity.Value).

You can try iif statements within your report like =sum(iif(Fields!ColA.Value=1,Fields!Quantity.Value,0) but I had some troubles getting that to work.

Hope that helps, I ran into this issue this past week and the first option worked like a charm for me.