I'm having a hard time figure out how to paginate in cakePHP when i have activate admin routing.
I have localhost/myapp
that is the main page
and localhost/myapp/admin that is tthe admin area. So I want to paginate on the fron end, so in the localhost/myapp index page.
So as the main index page is index of Typology Model. in my app/Config/routes.php i have this routing for homepage:
'controller' => 'typologies',
'action' => 'index', 'index'
PS: i Also Use slug for finding posts.
In my app/Controller/TypologyController I have this:
$this->Paginator->settings = array(
'joins' => array(
'table' => 'items',
'alias' => 'Item',
'type' => 'LEFT',
'conditions' => array('Item.id = Typology.item_id')
'conditions' => array(
'Item.published' => 1,
'Typology.published' => 1
'limit' => 1,
'order' => array('Typology.sort' => 'ASC'),
'fields' => array('Item.*', 'Typology.*'),
'recursive' => 2
$typologies = $this->paginate('Typology');
I have set limit=>1 just for testing purposes. In my View/Typologies/index.ctp i have this:
$result = '';
foreach ($typologies as $typology):
$id = h($typology['Typology']['id']);
$item_id = h($typology['Typology']['item_id']);
$title = h($typology['Typology']['title']);
$description = h($typology['Typology']['description']);
$thumbnail = h($typology['Typology']['thumbnail']);
$price = h($typology['Typology']['price']);
$typology_category_id = h($typology['Typology']['typology_category_id']);
$typology_condition_id = h($typology['Typology']['typology_condition_id']);
if (strlen($description)>330) {
$short_description = substr($description, 0, 327);
$description = $short_description."...";
$dir = "img/uploads/typology/thumbnails/";
if (file_exists( $dir . $thumbnail)) {
$typologyThumbnails = $dir . $thumbnail;
else {
$typologyThumbnails = "img/uploads/noimg.jpg";
if($thumbnail=='NULL' || $thumbnail=='') {
$typologyThumbnails = "img/uploads/noimg.jpg";
$result .= "<div class=\"item_shadow\">";
if ($logged_in) {
if ($typology['Typology']['published']==0 || $typology['Typology']['published']==false || $typology['TypologyItem']['published']==0 || $typology['TypologyItem']['published']==false) {
$result .= "<div class=\"badge red\"> non publicato </div>";
$result .= "<div class=\"item\" style=\"background-image:url({$typologyThumbnails});\">";
$result .= "<div class=\"item-content\">";
$result .= "<div class=\"item-top-content\">";
$result .= "<div class=\"item-top-content-inner\">";
$result .= "<div class=\"item-top-title\">";
$result .= "<h4>{$title}</h4>";
$result .= "</div>";
$result .= "</div>" ;
$result .= "</div>";
$result .= "<div class=\"item-add-content\">";
$result .= "<div class=\"item-add-content-inner\">";
$result .= "<div class=\"description-inner\">";
$result .= "<p>{$description}</p>";
$result .= "</div>";
$result .= "<div class=\"read-more-inner\">";
$result .= $this->Html->link("maggiori informazioni". $this->Html->image('elenco.png'), array('admin'=>false,'controller' => 'items', 'action' => 'view', 'slug' => Inflector::slug($typology['TypologyItem']['seo_url'],'-'),'id'=>$typology['Typology']['item_id'],'?'=> array('active_tab' => $typology['Typology']['id'])), array('escape' => false));
$result .= "</div>";
$result .= "</div>";
$result .= "</div>";
$result .= "</div>";
$result .= "</div>";
$result .= "</div>";
$result .= "";
So as you see first i store all the data into a variable then i echo it like this with the paginator helper:
if (isset($result)) {
echo $result;
echo $this->Paginator->counter(array(
'format' => __('Page{:page} di {:pages}, Showing {:current} records of {:count} in total, starting at {:start}, and finishing at {:end}')
<div class="paging">
echo $this->Paginator->prev('< ' . __('Preview'), array(), null, array('class' => 'prev disabled'));
echo $this->Paginator->numbers(array('separator' => ''));
echo $this->Paginator->next(__('Next') . ' >', array(), null, array('class' => 'next disabled'));
So the first time i load the page, URL is like this http://localhost/mycakephpApp/
it displays one date like it suppose to:
When i click next, or number 2, URL is like this: http://localhost/mycakephpApp/typologies/index/index/page:2
, it should display the next one. It does but now it is blank like this.
I don't know what am i missing or what am i doing wrong. Does anyone has any idea how to fix this? I would really appriciate your your help.
'action' => 'index', 'index'
, try without it eg:Router::connect('/', array(admin'=>false, 'controller' => 'typologies', 'action' => 'index'));
– Salines