I am currently trying automate Deploying of Branding changes to out Business Intelligence SharePoint site through PowerShell. I am using the following code to Deploy a WSP to my local instance of SharePoint for testing.
function Uninstall-AllSPSolutions {
param (
[switch] $Local,
[switch] $Confirm
Start-SPAssignment -Global;
foreach($solution in (Get-SPSolution | Where-Object { $_.Deployed })) {
write-host "Uninstalling Solution " $solution.Name;
if($solution.DeployedWebApplications.Count -gt 0) {
Uninstall-SPSolution $solution -AllWebApplications -Local:$Local -Confirm:$Confirm;
} else {
Uninstall-SPSolution $solution -Local:$Local -Confirm:$Confirm;
do {
Start-Sleep 5;
$solution = Get-SPSolution $solution;
} while($solution.JobExists -and $solution.Deployed)
Stop-SPAssignment -Global;
function Remove-AllSPSolutions {
param (
[switch] $Confirm
Get-SPSolution | Where-Object { !$_.Deployed } | Remove-SPSolution -Confirm:$Confirm
echo "Loading Sharepoint Snapin"
$snapin = Get-PSSnapin | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq "Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell" }
if ($snapin -eq $null) {
Write-Host "[INIT] Loading SharePoint Powershell Snapin"
Add-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell"
#Some variables
#Include Url Site
$SITEURL="sharepoint url"
#Include WSP File Path
#Include WSP Name
echo "Uninstall Solutions"
Uninstall-AllSPSolutions -Confirm
echo "Remove Solutions"
Remove-AllSPSolutions -Confirm
echo Deploy Test solution
echo "1. Add Solution"
echo "2. Deploy Solution"
#Install-SPSolution -identity $WSPNAME -force -AllWebApplications $SITEURL -GACDeployment
Install-SPSolution -identity $WSPNAME -force -AllWebApplications -GACDeployment
echo "2. Enable Feature"
Enable-SPFeature –Identity "SharepointDeployer Feature1" –url $SITEURL
The solution deploys just fine, as I can see it in in Central Admin, but the changes do not get made to the files when I look in SharePoint Designer.
All of the files have the following attributes to overwrite in the Module
IgnoreIfAlreadyExists="true" Type="GhostableInLibrary"
I have tried playing around with the Feature to see if it is an issue there, here are the results
Farm: I cannot generate the WSP through Visual Studio. The error is The Project Item "Name of Module" cannot be deployed through a Feature with Farm Scope
Site: The Feature is not a Farm Level Feature and is not found in a Site Level defined by the Url
Web: Same as above
WebApplication: I get the same error as Farm except it says WebApplication Scope
I am not sure what I need to do to make this work, as it should be simple (we are talking 3 CSS files, 2 images, and a masterpage)
Any help would be really appreciated.