Even though it may be hard to tell, for sure there is something wrong within the content of your make file. More specifically, consider the actual message you got, which is:
No release history was found for the requested project (test).
The "(test)" at the end of the message, is a reference to the Drupal module that you are trying to process in your make file, which you have named "test.make". There is nothing wrong in the name of your make file, only a bit confusing because of the "test" part in it. And the actual message you get is related to "module" named "test". Here is a variation of what this error message is trying to tell you: I cannot find any Drupal module on drupal.org, with a name of "test". And that is because https://www.drupal.org/project/test causes a 404 error (page not found).
There are multiple variations of this problem that lead to similar error messages. Here is just 1 of them: module USASearch, is case sensitive (as explained also in this issue). Look at the "Browse code repository" URL on the project page of this module to see how confusing it may get ...
Bottomline: my experience so far has been that whenever I get this typical Drush message, it's because I made some typo in my module name, or I refer to a module that simply does not exists.
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