I am trying to create a Weibull probability plot for censored data in R. To do so I need a log-log scale for the y axis and a log scale for the x axis.
The y axis is the probability (range 0 to 1) and the x axis is "time in days".
I know that I can create logarithmic axis with log="xy" in the plot() function. But I need a log-log scale for the y axis.
Is there a way to do that?
Thank you in advance!
Data example: data$
X cens survCount medianRank
136.5424 1 10 0.09090909
181.9756 1 9 0.18181818
192.4309 1 8 0.27272727
216.6145 1 7 0.36363636
224.3097 0 6 NA
254.4997 0 5 NA
285.1438 1 4 0.49090909
289.3991 1 3 0.61818182
295.9161 0 2 NA
309.9522 0 1 NA
X: times till failure
cens: binary, 0 if censored
survCount: number of things alive before failure/censoring
medianRanks: cumulated probability of failure
So X is what I want on the log x axis and the medianRanks are what I want on the log-log y axis.
The problem is that you can't calculate twice the logarithm from a number <1 becaue the first logarithm will give a negative number and you can't calculate a logarithm from a negative number. That is why I want to transform the axis and not the values.
What I did so far:
My workaround so far is to multiply my y values with a number (e.g. 1000) so that I don't have any values that are less than 1 and then calculate the log-log of these values. I then plot them, hide the axes and add new axes with the axis() function.
data$medianRank <- data$medianRank*1000
loglogY <- log(log(data$medianRank))
logX <- log(data$X)
plot(logX, loglogY, yaxt="n", xaxt="n")
ylabels <- c(0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.7, 0.99)
yAt <- log(log(ylabels*1000))
axis(2, at=yAt, labels=ylabels)
xlabels <- c(100, 200, 300, 400)
xAt <- log(xlabels)
axis(1, at=xAt, labels=xlabels)
@mike1886 suggested to use the ggplot2 package. I had a look at it and what I found is quite promising. When one creates a ggplot one can add coord_trans() to transform the axes. There are a few transformations available but I couldn't find a log-log one. Fortunately one can also write a custom transformation with the trans_new() function from the scales package.
My code so far for the new transformation:
loglog_trans <- function(){
trans <- function(x){ log(log(x)) }
inv <- function(x){ exp(exp(x)) }
trans_new("loglog", trans, inv)
wpp <- ggplot(data2, aes(ftime, medianRank)) + geom_point()
wpp + coord_trans("log10", "loglog")
But it is not working.
Error in if (zero_range(range)) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed In addition: Warning message: In log(log(x)) : NaNs produced