This is how:
- Get the string (precondition: format: ddd, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss zzz)
- Get the last whitespace
- Remove zzz from string, but save value of zzz
- Lookup offset for zzz
- Add offset to string
string dateString = reader.ReadContentAsString();
int timeZonePos = dateString.LastIndexOf(' ') + 1;
string tz = dateString.Substring(timeZonePos);
dateString = dateString.Substring(0, dateString.Length - tz.Length );
dateString += s_timeZoneOffsets[tz];
//string es = reader.ReadElementString("pubDate");
this.m_value = System.DateTime.ParseExact(dateString, "ddd, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm zzz", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
private static System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, string> s_timeZoneOffsets =
new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, string>() {
{"ACDT", "+10:30"},
{"ACST", "+09:30"},
{"ADT", "-03:00"},
{"AEDT", "+11:00"},
{"AEST", "+10:00"},
{"AHDT", "-09:00"},
{"AHST", "-10:00"},
{"AST", "-04:00"},
{"AT", "-02:00"},
{"AWDT", "+09:00"},
{"AWST", "+08:00"},
{"BAT", "+03:00"},
{"BDST", "+02:00"},
{"BET", "-11:00"},
{"BST", "-03:00"},
{"BT", "+03:00"},
{"BZT2", "-03:00"},
{"CADT", "+10:30"},
{"CAST", "+09:30"},
{"CAT", "-10:00"},
{"CCT", "+08:00"},
{"CDT", "-05:00"},
{"CED", "+02:00"},
{"CET", "+01:00"},
{"CEST", "+02:00"},
{"CST", "-06:00"},
{"EAST", "+10:00"},
{"EDT", "-04:00"},
{"EED", "+03:00"},
{"EET", "+02:00"},
{"EEST", "+03:00"},
{"EST", "-05:00"},
{"FST", "+02:00"},
{"FWT", "+01:00"},
{"GMT", "+00:00"},
{"GST", "+10:00"},
{"HDT", "-09:00"},
{"HST", "-10:00"},
{"IDLE", "+12:00"},
{"IDLW", "-12:00"},
{"IST", "+05:30"},
{"IT", "+03:30"},
{"JST", "+09:00"},
{"JT", "+07:00"},
{"MDT", "-06:00"},
{"MED", "+02:00"},
{"MET", "+01:00"},
{"MEST", "+02:00"},
{"MEWT", "+01:00"},
{"MST", "-07:00"},
{"MT", "+08:00"},
{"NDT", "-02:30"},
{"NFT", "-03:30"},
{"NT", "-11:00"},
{"NST", "+06:30"},
{"NZ", "+11:00"},
{"NZST", "+12:00"},
{"NZDT", "+13:00"},
{"NZT", "+12:00"},
{"PDT", "-07:00"},
{"PST", "-08:00"},
{"ROK", "+09:00"},
{"SAD", "+10:00"},
{"SAST", "+09:00"},
{"SAT", "+09:00"},
{"SDT", "+10:00"},
{"SST", "+02:00"},
{"SWT", "+01:00"},
{"USZ3", "+04:00"},
{"USZ4", "+05:00"},
{"USZ5", "+06:00"},
{"USZ6", "+07:00"},
{"UT", "-00:00"},
{"UTC", "-00:00"},
{"UZ10", "+11:00"},
{"WAT", "-01:00"},
{"WET", "-00:00"},
{"WST", "+08:00"},
{"YDT", "-08:00"},
{"YST", "-09:00"},
{"ZP4", "+04:00"},
{"ZP5", "+05:00"},
{"ZP6", "+06:00"}