I am trying to have the following set up.
Assume that my customer has two different project developments in one SVN repository, project A and project B. Project A and project B are also sharing the same Trac repository. My customer is asking me to do the following:
•Both Project A and B are going to share the same SVN repository.
•Project A and B need to have separate Trac repositories.
•When there is a commit on the project A part of the SVN repository, the referenced ticket on the Trac repository A needs to be updated.
•When there is a commit on the project B part of the SVN repository, the referenced ticket on the Trac repository B needs to be updated.
I looked at http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki and I didn’t find anything about one SVN repository for multiple Trac repositories. I was wondering if this capability exists? If yes, then could you provide the link so I can read and learn?
Thank you for considering my request.