
As it's said at MSDN:

Windows has a built-in timer that runs background tasks in 15-minute intervals.

Let's assume that we make use a TimeTrigger with some freshness time. The Task will be scheduled with the nearst build-in timer tick - depending on the time when we register our Task, the time left to scheduling can vary.

Is it possible to get the time when our Task will be scheduled?

Out of curiosity, may I ask why do you want to do that? I don't think it's possible, but I can't say for sure.yasen
@yasen For example I plan to set a one-shot TimeTrigger and it would be suitable to inform the User about the exact time. Without knowing the exact time one-shot Task seems to be a little random feature.Romasz

1 Answers


One solution which comes to my mind is to make another simple BackgroundTask with TimeTrigger set to one-shot and minimum freshnes stime. The job of this Task would be to save in LocalSettings the DateTime.Now to a variable.

As the build-in timer runs in constant intervals then I will be able to count the time of the next nearest run.

The disavantage of this solution is that after the OS restart I will have to update the variable. So it means that just after starting my App I would have to run this additional task to ensure about the correct value.

It means that I will be able to set the TimeTrigger more accurately after the first tick of buil-in timer.