I want to launch a dialog with a custom layout, which I've implemented via a DialogFragment. (I basically just changed onCreateView() and added button handlers). The dialog lets the user quickly change an important setting.
This dialog will be launched from several different activities. The different activities don't have much in common, except that they need to refresh after the user makes a change to the setting. They don't need to get any information from the dialog; they merely need to know when it's closed (dismissed).
What I've Tried
I tried having the activity refresh in onResume(), but launching and dismissing a dialog never seems to call this method. (So I'm not sure why it even exists, but that's probably a topic for another question.)
Next, I tried adding a DialogInterface.OnDismissListener to the dialog:
public static void showMyDialog(OnDismissListener listener, Activity activity)
DialogFragment fragment = new MyDialogFragment();
fragment.show(activity.getFragmentManager(), "date");
When I originally left out the line A, I got a NullPointerException on line B because the dialog is null at that point. Following the advice of this SO answer, I put in the call to executePendingTransaction(). This causes an IllegalStateException on line B, with the message "OnDismissListener is already taken by DialogFragment and cannot be replaced." I also tried putting setOnDismissListener() before the call to show(), but that always caused a NullPointerException.
I then read this other SO answer, which says the original asker was "calling getDialog() too early in the DialogFragment's life cycle." So I tried adding a constructor to my DialogFragment:
public MyDialogFragment(SomeCallback illTakeAnythingICanGet)
//I'll store the callback here and call it later
Unfortunately, adding a constructor made Android Lint freak out with a fatal warning, and when I looked it up, I found a comment in this question that seems to say this approach will make it impossible to deal with the user rotating the screen while the dialog is open.
The Question
How can an activity figure out when a DialogFragment has closed (been dismissed) in a way that won't break my app if the user rotates the screen? Should I be using something else besides a DialogFragment?