I've installed a magento extension and it seems to be installed correctly. I've I check it in Admin->System->Configuration->Advanced It appears Enabled. But The tab is suposed to appear in admin, doesn't appear.
My magento version is 1.7. I've tried some things but nothing works:
- I've cleaned the cache directory and clean the cache in admin
- I've give the hole web directory 777 permisions
- I've reinstall the extension
- I've installed it from magento connect and directly copping the directories and files from github
- I've uninstalled and installed a few times
- I've log out and log in in magento admin
But nothing fix my problem. Has anyone any more ideas?
The extension is SMTP Pro Mail. Here is the system.xml
<aschroder module="smtppro" translate="label">
<label>Aschroder Extensions</label>
<smtppro module="smtppro" translate="label">
<label>SMTP Pro</label>
<general module="smtppro" translate="label comment">
<label>General Settings</label>
<comment><![CDATA[<div style='background-color: #efefef;margin-bottom: 10px;height: 40px;'> <img style='float:left;width: 150px;' src='http://www.aschroder.com/smtppro-logo.png' /> <span style='float:left;font-size: 20px; margin:10px;'>SMTP Pro Email Extension</span> </div> Configure your SMTP connection below. If you have any questions or would like any help please visit <a href='http://magesmtppro.com' target='_blank'>magesmtppro.com</a>.]]></comment>
<option translate="label">
<label>Email Connection</label>
<googleapps_email translate="label">
<label>Google Apps Email Address</label>
<googleapps_gpassword translate="label comment">
<label>Google Apps Password</label>
<comment><![CDATA[Input your Google Apps or Gmail username and password here. For configuration recommendations please see the guide at <a href='http://magesmtppro.com' target='_blank'>magesmtppro.com</a>]]></comment>
<sendgrid_email translate="label">
<label>SendGrid Username</label>
<sendgrid_password translate="label comment">
<label>SendGrid Password</label>
<comment><![CDATA[Input your SendGrid username and password here. For more information visit <a href='http://sendgrid.com' target='_blank'>SendGrid</a>]]></comment>
<ses_access_key translate="label">
<label>Amazon SES Access Key</label>
<ses_private_key translate="label comment">
<label>Amazon SES Secret Key</label>
<comment><![CDATA[Amazon SES support in SMTP Pro is limited and best suited to development and testing purposes. For a full integration with region selection, error/bounce logging and send statistics please see the premium extension: <a href='http://magesend.com' target='_blank'>MageSend</a>]]></comment>
<smtp_authentication translate="label">
<smtp_username translate="label">
<depends><option>smtp</option><smtp_authentication separator=",">login,plain,crammd5</smtp_authentication></depends>
<smtp_password translate="label">
<depends><option>smtp</option><smtp_authentication separator=",">login,plain,crammd5</smtp_authentication></depends>
<smtp_host translate="label">
<smtp_port translate="label">
<smtp_ssl translate="label comment">
<label>SSL Security</label>
<comment><![CDATA[Custom SMTP servers can be configured in this section. For more information about these configuration options and troubleshooting advice please see <a href='http://magesmtppro.com' target='_blank'>magesmtppro.com</a>]]></comment>
<debug module="smtppro" translate="label comment">
<label>Logging and Debugging</label>
<comment>Please only use these settings if you are a software developer or server admin.</comment>
<logenabled translate="label comment">
<label>Log Emails</label>
<comment>This will log all outbound emails. View from System->Tools->SMTPPro - Email Log.</comment>
<cleanlog translate="label comment">
<label>Clean Email Logs</label>
<comment><![CDATA[If this is set to yes, old entries will be deleted from email log. Cron is required and log cleaning must be enabled in system/log/enabled for this to work.]]></comment>
<cleanlog_after_days translate="label">
<label>Email Log Days Kept</label>
<log_debug translate="label">
<label>Enable Debug Logging</label>
<comment><![CDATA[If yes, a log file will be written with debug information.]]></comment>
<test translate="label comment">
<comment>Save settings before running this test.</comment>
<esp module="smtppro" translate="label">
<label>Compatible Email Services</label>
<logenabled translate="label">