
I've installed a magento extension and it seems to be installed correctly. I've I check it in Admin->System->Configuration->Advanced It appears Enabled. But The tab is suposed to appear in admin, doesn't appear.

My magento version is 1.7. I've tried some things but nothing works:

  • I've cleaned the cache directory and clean the cache in admin
  • I've give the hole web directory 777 permisions
  • I've reinstall the extension
  • I've installed it from magento connect and directly copping the directories and files from github
  • I've uninstalled and installed a few times
  • I've log out and log in in magento admin

But nothing fix my problem. Has anyone any more ideas?

The extension is SMTP Pro Mail. Here is the system.xml

    <aschroder module="smtppro" translate="label">
      <label>Aschroder Extensions</label>
    <smtppro module="smtppro" translate="label">
      <label>SMTP Pro</label>
        <general module="smtppro" translate="label comment">
          <label>General Settings</label>
          <comment><![CDATA[<div style='background-color: #efefef;margin-bottom: 10px;height: 40px;'> <img style='float:left;width: 150px;' src='http://www.aschroder.com/smtppro-logo.png' /> <span style='float:left;font-size: 20px; margin:10px;'>SMTP Pro Email Extension</span> </div> Configure your SMTP connection below. If you have any questions or would like any help please visit <a href='http://magesmtppro.com' target='_blank'>magesmtppro.com</a>.]]></comment>
            <option translate="label">
              <label>Email Connection</label>

            <googleapps_email translate="label">
              <label>Google Apps Email Address</label>
            <googleapps_gpassword translate="label comment">
              <label>Google Apps Password</label>
              <comment><![CDATA[Input your Google Apps or Gmail username and password here. For configuration recommendations please see the guide at <a href='http://magesmtppro.com' target='_blank'>magesmtppro.com</a>]]></comment>

              <sendgrid_email translate="label">
                  <label>SendGrid Username</label>
              <sendgrid_password translate="label comment">
                  <label>SendGrid Password</label>
                  <comment><![CDATA[Input your SendGrid username and password here. For more information visit <a href='http://sendgrid.com' target='_blank'>SendGrid</a>]]></comment>

            <ses_access_key translate="label">
              <label>Amazon SES Access Key</label>
            <ses_private_key translate="label comment">
              <label>Amazon SES Secret Key</label>
              <comment><![CDATA[Amazon SES support in SMTP Pro is limited and best suited to development and testing purposes. For a full integration with region selection, error/bounce logging and send statistics please see the premium extension: <a href='http://magesend.com' target='_blank'>MageSend</a>]]></comment>

            <smtp_authentication translate="label">
            <smtp_username translate="label">
              <depends><option>smtp</option><smtp_authentication separator=",">login,plain,crammd5</smtp_authentication></depends>
            <smtp_password translate="label">
              <depends><option>smtp</option><smtp_authentication separator=",">login,plain,crammd5</smtp_authentication></depends>
            <smtp_host translate="label">
            <smtp_port translate="label">
            <smtp_ssl translate="label comment">
              <label>SSL Security</label>
              <comment><![CDATA[Custom SMTP servers can be configured in this section. For more information about these configuration options and troubleshooting advice please see <a href='http://magesmtppro.com' target='_blank'>magesmtppro.com</a>]]></comment>


        <debug module="smtppro" translate="label comment">
          <label>Logging and Debugging</label>
          <comment>Please only use these settings if you are a software developer or server admin.</comment>
            <logenabled translate="label comment">
              <label>Log Emails</label>
              <comment>This will log all outbound emails. View from System->Tools->SMTPPro - Email Log.</comment>
            <cleanlog translate="label comment">
              <label>Clean Email Logs</label>
              <comment><![CDATA[If this is set to yes, old entries will be deleted from email log. Cron is required and log cleaning must be enabled in system/log/enabled for this to work.]]></comment>
            <cleanlog_after_days translate="label">
              <label>Email Log Days Kept</label>
            <log_debug translate="label">
              <label>Enable Debug Logging</label>
              <comment><![CDATA[If yes, a log file will be written with debug information.]]></comment>
            <test translate="label comment">
              <comment>Save settings before running this test.</comment>
        <esp module="smtppro" translate="label">
              <label>Compatible Email Services</label>
                  <logenabled translate="label">
can you post your system.xml ?Keyur Shah
Try manually adding the extensionTBI
I've tried but it doesn't workLorena
Did you ever find an answer to this issue?mg33dev
did you check the namespace name and module name is correct..?Jenith Samuel

1 Answers


Try to flush the cache, then log out and finally log in again.