I am currently using OpenTok Node SDK version 2.2.2 (installing via npm) & my client side plugin is version . During session.connect() method call , i get this error :
OT.exception :: title: Authentication error (1004) msg: Invalid token. Make sure you're using the latest OpenTok server SDK .
When i decoded the Token(base64) , this is what i got :
My session ID matches the one above .
Using methods , opentok.createSession(function(err, session) { } )
and opentok.generateToken(session.sessionId)
to generate my session ID and Token on server end .
On client side , this is what i am doing :
session = TB.initSession(TOK_API_KEY,session_id);
session.on("streamCreated", function(event) {
var publisher = TB.initPublisher("broadcast_display", null, function(error) {
if (error) {
console.log('error initializing publisher', error);
} else {
console.log('publisher initialized successfully');
session.connect(TOK_API_KEY, token, function(error) {
if (error) {
} else {
Not sure what the problem is . Any help ?