I have an index match formula which goes through a list and returns a date based on an email address. My issue I have is what if there are multiple entries that match that email address? How do I return the most recent date?
e.g. worksheet 1 has all the data
A B C email ID date
worksheet 2 has a list of specific email addresses i'm looking for info on
A B email date
My formula in column B of worksheet 2 is along the lines of this:
index(worksheet1 C:C,match(worksheet2 A1, worksheet 1 A:A,false))
Basically saying where you find the email address in A1 listed in column A of worksheet 1, return in B1 the value in the column of that row in worksheet1.
The thing is we could have the same email address listed a number of times, so I'm looking for the latest date to be returned, not the first one it finds.
Thanks simon