In the process of familiarizing myself with Go and goroutines I have hit a road block with executing commands. The format of these commands are:
sudo find /folder -type f | while read i; do sudo -S chmod 644 "$i"; done
With code taken from How to execute system command in Golang with unknown arguments I'm trying to execute this command but I believe it's not executing due to the first argument being sudo, I could be wrong. I have just two questions.
When these commands fail to run I am returned "exit status 1", is there a way to get a more detailed error than what I am doing? Question two, why would I be getting "exit status 1" with this script? What is going on that isn't supposed to?
package main
import (
func ExeCmd(cmd string, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
parts := strings.Fields(cmd)
head := parts[0]
// Head at this point is "sudo"
parts = parts[1:len(parts)]
out, err := exec.Command(head,parts...).Output()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%s\n", err)
fmt.Printf("%s\n", out)
wg.Done() // Signal to WaitGroup goroutine finished
func InArray(a []string, e string) bool {
for _, x := range a {
if x == e {
return true
return false
func main() {
exec.Command("sudo ls > /dev/null") // Get sudo password just once, doesn't seem to work with Go
wg := new(sync.WaitGroup)
reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
fdbslices := []string{"f", "d", "b", "files", "directories", "both"}
commands := []string{}
fdb := ""
filep := ""
dirp := ""
// Grab Path
fmt.Print("Path: ")
findpath, _ := reader.ReadString('\n')
findpath = strings.ToLower(strings.Trim(findpath, "\n"))
// Grab Files, Directories, or Both
for {
fmt.Print("Files, Directories, or Both: ")
fdb, _ = reader.ReadString('\n')
fdb = strings.ToLower(strings.Trim(fdb, "\n"))
if InArray(fdbslices, fdb) == true { break }
// Build commands string, these come out as they should
for {
if fdb == "f" || fdb == "files" {
fmt.Print("Permissions for Files: ")
filep, _ = reader.ReadString('\n')
filep = strings.Trim(filep, "\n")
commands = append(commands, "sudo find " + findpath + " -type f | while read i; do sudo -S chmod " + filep + " \"$i\"; done")
if fdb == "d" || fdb == "directories" {
fmt.Print("Permissions for Directories: ")
dirp, _ = reader.ReadString('\n')
dirp = strings.Trim(dirp, "\n")
commands = append(commands, "sudo find " + findpath + " -type d | while read i; do sudo -S chmod " + dirp + " \"$i\"; done")
if fdb == "b" || fdb == "both" {
fmt.Print("Permissions for Files: ")
filep, _ = reader.ReadString('\n')
filep = strings.Trim(filep, "\n")
commands = append(commands, "sudo find " + findpath + " -type f | while read i; do sudo -S chmod " + filep + " \"$i\"; done")
fmt.Print("Permissions for Directories: ")
dirp, _ = reader.ReadString('\n')
dirp = strings.Trim(dirp, "\n")
commands = append(commands, "sudo find " + findpath + " -type d | while read i; do sudo -S chmod " + dirp + " \"$i\"; done")
// Execute Commands
for _, str := range commands {
fmt.Print("Doing: " + str + "\r\n")
go ExeCmd(str, wg)
Example Terminal output:
Path: test
Files, Directories, or Both: b
Permissions for Files: 644
Permissions for Directories: 755
Doing: find test -type f | while read i; do sudo -S chmod 644 "$i"; done
Doing: find test -type d | while read i; do sudo -S chmod 755 "$i"; done
exit status 1
exit status 1
Thank you for your time.
you won't have to putsudo
in front of your shell command. But that's kind of a workaround then... – julienc