In Practical Common Lisp chapter 17. Object Reorientation: Classes section Accessor Functions, I was finding it difficult understanding the way SETF
is being extended.
The functions:
(defun (setf customer-name) (name account)
(setf (slot-value account 'customer-name) name))
class definition:
(defclass bank-account ()
:initarg :customer-name
:initform (error "Must supply a customer name."))
:initarg :balance
:initform 0)
:initform (incf *account-numbers*))
What I don't understand:
in the expression
(setf (customer-name my-account) "Sally Sue")
does(customer-name my-account)
return a SETFable slot-valuecustomer-name
of the the classbank-account
which thenSETF
uses to set the value to "Sally Sue"?is
(setf (customer-name my-account) "Sally Sue")
actually calling the function above?as defined above is
setf customer-name
a function?in the function above is
in(setf customer-name)
in the body referring to the same thing?the section states
second element is a symbol, typically the name of a function used to access the place the SETF function will set
if that's the case then why use the
function inside the function's definition when the function can be used to access the place?