
I would like to know what the current angle the player is walking on. I have Googled and got this to work

    turn = fAntToCamRotate;
    curDir = (curDir + turn) % 360; // rotate angle modulo 360 according to input

    RaycastHit hit;
    if (Physics.Raycast(target.transform.position, -curNormal, out hit))
        curNormal = Vector3.Lerp(curNormal, hit.normal, 4 * Time.deltaTime);
        Quaternion grndTilt = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up, curNormal);
     //GetComponent<CapsuleCollider>().transform.rotation = grndTilt * Quaternion.Euler(0, curDir, 0);
        target.transform.rotation = grndTilt * Quaternion.Euler(0, curDir, 0);

     Vector3 test = Vector3.up;
     Vector3 test2 = hit.normal;
     float tester = Vector3.Dot(test.normalized, test2.normalized);
     Debug.Log(tester * (180 / Mathf.PI));

With this code the player follows the ground, so it no longer looks like they are jumping small distances when running down a slope. However, I got two problems with this that I'm hoping someone could help me with.

  1. As you see in the out commented code I have tried to get the angle the player currently is walking on and save it in a variable. My problem with this is that I get this really weird values and I have no clue to why. If my player goes from a flat surface to a 25 degree leaning slope the value changes from flat (about 55) to angle (about 51). Which I don't get at all. Does anyone know how to make this into degrees that are more understandable? The reason I want to save this is so I can tell if there is a really steep slope I want the player to glide.
  2. My second problem is that I have an empty gameobject with a rigidbody and collision box as my parent for my character. The camera is a child. I would like the body to turn according to the slope so I no longer jump down, but I want the camera to not follow the player angle, is there a way to fix this?

For my second question, I think I could solve it myself after playing some more with it. But if anyone could help me with the first question I would love that, I have tried for hours without luck, and I have no idea why the angle gives me so weird numbers.

I'm not familiour with Unity, but can you not calculate the angle between the normal vector and some reference vector that represents a flat ground. The angle will be in radians. You can convert this to degrees. The dot product doesn't give you the angle exactly. You should find the formula on Wikipedia. I would imagine that Unity already has a method for calculating the angle though.Homar

1 Answers


Calculating angles is simple Trigonometry.


  angle  = arctan (y/x)

You can use Math.f to from Unity to help you out, it returns floats instead of double unlike .Net Math.

Radians to degree

    Angle * 180/pi