I am new to Apache Camel. I am able to send JMS message from one queue to another queue. I would like to know how to handle the exception. I learned onException
, But it is not working for me.
I changed my jms queue to jms1. However, when I execute the code i get an exception.
My expectation is whenever I get exception my bean class should be invoked, but it is not.
org.apache.camel.RuntimeCamelException: org.apache.camel.FailedToCreateRouteException: Failed to create route route1 at: >>> To[jms1:queue:FinalQSource] <<< in route: Route[[From[jms:queue:testQSource]] -> [OnException[[class j... because of Failed to resolve endpoint: jms1://queue:FinalQSource due to: No component found with scheme: jms1
<camelContext id="jmsContext" xmlns="http://camel.apache.org/schema/spring">
<!-- <handled><constant>true</constant></handled> -->
<bean ref="exceptionListener" method="orderFailed" />
<from uri="jms:queue:testQSource" />
<to uri="jms1:queue:FinalQSource" /><!--