I have a head view (View A) with a segmented control. Segment 0 loads a FRC, and sets the sectionnamekeypath from a non-transient property and sorts on it.
Segment 1 loads a FRC, sets the sectionNameKeyPath from a transient property (month and year as in Apple's example pretty much) and sorts on the same non-transient property segment 0 does.
When a cell of Segment 0's FRC is clicked, it pushes to View B, here a new FRC loads selection-specific objects using a predicate. It sets its sectionNameKeyPath from a second transient property and sorts on the same non-transient property the other 2 do.
The following is what happens:
View A:
Switch between Segment 0 and 1 multiple times. The FRCs load what they're supposed to.
Select a cell in segment 0 --> this correctly pushes View B
View B:
The FRC loads as intended.
Press the back button --> the view correctly dismissed back to view A.
View A:
Segment 0 and its FRC are correctly loaded and shown
Select segment 1: Error: "has an out of order section name **segment name from View B's section**"
I find it very weird that the error it gives, contains the sectionname from the FRC on the previous view. I set the FRC and its delegate to nil when the view WillDisAppear.
When I Breakpoint the transient properties, I can see that it only requests segment 1's FRC so it doesn't seem to make sense that it can still see View B's sections?