Version :
RichFaces 4.3.5
Apache MyFaces 2.1
Issue :
We are migrating from rich faces 3 to 4. The issue is , I am not able to set back ground colour for rich:tooltip component
Setting styleClass="tooltip-text"
for tooltip component is not working.
It seems that .rf-tt-cnt
built in style needs to be set with background-color.
But how will this built-in style be applied to below structure ?
Setting styleClass="tooltip-text rf-tt-cnt"
doesn't seem to work.
Please help.
Code :
<h:outputText id="statusId" style="cursor:hand; color:#0000F0; text-decoration:underline;" value="#{val.statusValue}" />
<rich:tooltip target="statusId" styleClass="tooltip-text" showEvent="click" direction="bottomLeft" followMouse="false" layout="block" >
<h:panelGrid columns="1">
<h:outputLabel value="Detail Status " rendered="#{bean.statusDescr}" />
<h:panelGrid columns="1" style="background-color:orange;">
? – Vasil Lukach