I have a case where I have a model called Event which: * has_one primary_day * has_one backup_day * has_one emergency_day
In each of the has_one associations there a group of boolean fields that are the same e.g. approved_legal,approved_malfunction,approved_costs etc
In my search form - I don't want to search each association individually for those same fields.
e.g I don't want to do this:
<%= f.check_box :primary_day_approved_legal_true %>
for each of the fields as it's too verbose instead I want to do this:
<%= f.check_box :approved_legal_true %>
which will collate all the associations and return Events that have approved_legal true across all the has_one associations.
I have tried a few different approaches to solving this but I can't get it to work so I assume that what I want to do is currently not possible. Could you confirm my theory or let me know how it could be achieved if it is indeed possible?
For reference I have tried the following:
1. custom ransacker in the Event model
Since I'm happy to use the existing true predicate I thought just adding in a ransacker that returned what I wanted would be possible. But it seems not e.g.
ransacker :created_at do |parent|
Arel.sql('select * from events inner join on primary_days .......')
this ransacker seems to alway start with a select on the Model it was added to. So I cannot use a join to the associations. It seems the ransacker must return an existing database column on the model it's related to. So for the same reason there was not Arel code I could come up with that would make this approach work. Despite trying to create an Arel table to represent the associations and then trying to do the join in arel - but the result was always the same - no such method eq on ArelSelectManager.
ransacker :created_at do |parent|
primary_days = Arel::Table.new(:primary_days)
events = parent.table
2. Using a named scope with a patch for scopes found in issue 61 - https://gist.github.com/RohanM/5350768
I put the code in the initializers/ransack.rb and then:
scope_ransackable :approved_legal
scope :approved_legal_scope, -> {
Event.joins(:primary_day).where(:primary_days: {approved_legal: true})
<%= f.check_box(:approved_legal_scope)%>
But this just resulted in an error saying that approved_legal_scope method was not found on Ransack Search object
Any pointer in the right direction would be very much appreciated. Thanks.