
I am making an AutoHotKey script so that I have media keys on my media key-less keyboard. All of the shortcuts are working but i want to make one that will set the volume to max, unless it is already, in which case it would set it to 10.
Here is my script as it is:

    SoundGet, master_volume

    ^!Down::SendInput {Media_Play_Pause}
    ^!Left::SendInput {Media_Prev}
    ^!Right::SendInput {Media_Next}
    ^!Up::SendInput {Media_Stop}
    ^!+Down::SendInput {Volume_Mute}
    ^!+Left::SendInput {Volume_Down}
    ^!+Right::SendInput {Volume_Up}
    ^!+Up::if (%master_volume% = 100) {
            SoundSet, 10
        } else {
            SoundSet, 100

But I keep getting the error "Error: The following variable name contains an illegal character: "100.000000"" (the 100.000000 is what my volume is set to, e.g. if it's set to half maximum, it'll read 50.000000) and it highlights "if (%master_volume% = 100)" line ...
I'm pretty new to AutoHotKey, but I have read through a lot of (what I thought were) relevant docs and can't figure it out

this is a syntax issue...Joe DF

2 Answers


The error comes from you using the `%master_volume% the way you are. Consider:

When you do this:

somevariable = george

the value of somevariable is set to "george"

But when you do this:

%somevariable% = george

the variable name is set to "george"

That means when you do this:

%master_volume% = 100

You are taking the value of variable_name and turning it into a variable, too. Effectively, you are trying to create a variable called 100.000000 and assign it the value of 100.

Since the value of master_volume is 100.000000 it is illegal because you can't use . in a variable name.

However, if you used SetFormat, "D", 0, then you would force your decimals not to have any floating point (no .000000) and then you would be able to create a variable out of 100 or 75 or whatever the value of master_volume happens to be.

However, you probably don't want it to work that way. You should use the simple answer proposed by alpha bravo, and just use:

master_volume = 100

this should work

if (master_volume = 100) {
SoundSet, 10
} else {
SoundSet, 100

remove %'s around "master_volume"