Dear ArangoDB community,
I am wondering if it is bad when we use ArangoDB, and if unfortunately the data + index is grown too large and does not fit anymore in the RAM. What's happening then? Does it ruin the system performance horribly?
For TokuMX, which is a very fascinating Fork of MongoDB (TokuMX offers ACID Transactions which I need), they say thats NO problem at all! Even TokuMX clearly says on their internet site that its no big deal for TokuMX if data + index does not fit in RAM.
Also, for MongoDB respective for TokuMX we can limit the RAM usage by some commands.
For my web project I would like to decide which database I am going to use, I dont want to change later. The RAM of my database server is not more than 500MB right now, and it is used concurrenctly by the NodeJS server. So both sit on one server.
On that server I have 1 Nodejs Server and 2 Database instances running. Hereby I compare TokuMX and ArangoDb with the TOP command in linux to check RAM usage. Both databeses just have a tiny collection for testing. And by the TOP command in Linux is says to me: ArangoDB: RES: 128 MByte in use, and for TokuMX it says only 9 MB (!!) Res means: actual, really used physical RAM I found out. So, the difference is already huge... thanks and many greetings. Also the virtual ram usage is enormously different. 5 Gb for arangodb. and just 300 MB for tokumx.