I am having trouble catching the double click event in a .net treeview. In the click event, i have a little time consuming logic (i.e. a database call to update a section of the UI). so because of the time delay here, my 2nd click in the case of a double click is ignored, therefore, the normal behavior expected from a treeview (i.e. expand on double click) does not work. My click event is as follow.
private void treeView_NodeMouseClick(object sender, TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs e)
if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
//database call
The database call prevents the double click being fired when the system double click time is set to the fastest. I tried to implement a thread within, but my application prevents me from using any other thread within it. therefore, pls suggest a way in which i can fire double click event (or to get the nodes to expand on double click) without using threads :(
Thank you in advance :)
but my application prevents me from using any other thread within it
? – npinti