
I am using the latest version of XNA. I am attempting to write a lighting pixel shader for my 2D game. (Thinks Starbound's lighting system)

To do this, I need to implement a recursive function to spread light onto the texture.

Unfortunately, when I try to compile the following HLSL code it throws an exception...

sampler s0;
texture lightMask;
sampler _lightMask = sampler_state{Texture = lightMask;};
texture blockMask;
sampler _blockMask = sampler_state{Texture = blockMask;};

int x1;
int y1;

float4 black = float4(0,0,0,1);
float4 white = float4(1,1,1,1);
float width, height; 
float ux, uy;

//Recursive Lighting
float4 ApplyLight(float4 lastLight, float2 pos, bool first)
    float4 newLight = lastLight;

if (!first)
newLight.rgb = lastLight.rgb - 0.1;
if ((newLight.r + newLight.g + newLight.b) / 3 <= 0)
return lastLight;
newLight = lastLight;

ApplyLight(newLight, pos + float2(0, uy), false);
ApplyLight(newLight, pos + float2(0, -uy), false);
ApplyLight(newLight, pos + float2(ux, 0), false);
ApplyLight(newLight, pos + float2(-ux, 0), false);

float4 color = tex2D(_lightMask, pos);
color = newLight;
return newLight;

//Shader Function
float4 PixelShaderFunction(float2 coords: TEXCOORD0) : COLOR0
float4 lightHere = tex2D(_lightMask, coords);

if (lightHere.r > 0
||  lightHere.g > 0
||  lightHere.b > 0)
    ApplyLight(lightHere, coords, true);

    return lightHere;

technique Technique1
    pass Pass1
        PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 PixelShaderFunction();


Error 1
Errors compiling C:\Users\Benjamin\Desktop\CURRENT PROJECTS\gmjosack-xna-2d-shader-examples-07cfe1a5aafb\ShaderTests\ShaderTestsContent\effects\Test.fx: C:\Users\Benjamin\Desktop\CURRENT PROJECTS\gmjosack-xna-2d-shader-examples-07cfe1a5aafb\ShaderTests\ShaderTestsContent\effects\Test.fx(17,8): error X3500: 'ApplyLight': recursive functions not yet implemented C:\Users\Benjamin\Desktop\CURRENT PROJECTS\gmjosack-xna-2d-shader-examples-07cfe1a5aafb\ShaderTests\ShaderTestsContent\effects\Test.fx(67,23): ID3DXEffectCompiler::CompileEffect: There was an error compiling expression ID3DXEffectCompiler: Compilation failed

Do I need to be using a newer version of HLSL? If so, how? If not, how can I get around this?

Why don't you just try it? PixelShader = compile ps_3_0 ....Nico Schertler
@NicoSchertler That still returns the same error. Is recursion allowed in any HLSL version?ben
Just tried it. None of the available profiles support recursive functions. It seems you have to re-write the algorithm so it doesn't use recursions. If you need help with that, just say so. A new question might be appropriate for this.Nico Schertler

1 Answers


Currently, none of the available pixel shader or vertex shader profiles (up to shader model 5) support recursive function calls. You will have to re-design the algorithm.