I create a lot of o365 E3 trail accounts, and create 25 user mailbox in each office365 domain.
I want to create MAPI profile for each online domain, and add these mailboxes to each profile with custom codes.
It doesn't need to login with the profile.
Manual method:
- use the Mail configure UI dialog from the control panel if has an Outlook, .
- input correct username( and password, wait for a while, all is autodiscoveried.
Some possible ways:
I want to do this automatically with some custom codes, i do some homework and found some usefull information:
- 1.use C++/MAPIX.h/Mapi32.lib, through the MAPI IProfAdmin interface, and the Profman2.exe can help me.
- 2.richprofile tool (it cannot add several usermailboxes into one profile).
- 3.Redemption,it has a bonus library Profman which can be used to manipulate the MAPI profile, it is powerfull and I believe it will work well for me. But the bonus dll is not free :(
Issues to be solved:
I have digged a lot related topics in google include our stackoverflow. Here is a issue list that i have to solve:
- what is difference between online office 365 exchange server and local exchange server? (I mean is there special something i should pay attention to?)
- add more than one user mailbox into one profile(The MSDN has too much information, any keyword or interface I can use?)
- how to decide what is the exchange server name of one office365 online account.(for example, Is there a way like autodiscovery mechanism, how to simulate it with custom codes?)
- How to Prevent authentication promt when configuring a new o365 profile?(I haven't reached here yet, but I think it wll be my obstacle sonner or later).
In a word, is there a simple way like autodiscovery to create an office365 MAPI profile which has a lot of user mailboxes? If can, after creating the complex profile, is there a way to prevent the pop out auth dialog?
I know my questions are too many, I try to get my hair out of this, so any keyword/any tip is usefull for me, i will dig it later myself. Thanks a lot for your help in advance:).