I have to fire a datatrigger event and compare two fields & check whether its true & set a style for it based on it
Below is my code snippet
<DataTrigger Binding="{Binding SKUL.ItemNumber}" Value="{Binding ActiveSKULNavigationItem.Supersession.Source}" >
<Setter Property="Common:ButtonPopup.ButtonContent" >
<Setter.Value >
<Image Source="{StaticResource CommentHighlighted16}" Height="16" />
i want to check SKUL.ItemNumber equals ActiveSKULNavigationItem.Supersession.Source.But the above code throws error.
if i hardcode value="aaa" it works.
Error:A binding cannot be set on the value property of type datatrigger.A binding can only be set on a dependency property of a dependency object
How can i solve it