
Here is what I am up against: I am trying to change the content of a CFDIV based on the selection from a CFSelect box.

To do this I have bound the CFDiv to a CFC and I am trying to return two columns from my query that is executed in that CFC; Alert_Status AND Alert_Priority. These values will be queried based on a selection from the CFSelect box in my CFM page. Company_Name is the value passed to the CFC from the selection in the CFSelect box. Once the query in the CFC is run, I would like to display the results in a DIV on that same CFM page as the select box.

Here is the CFC:

    <!---First Slect Box --->
<cffunction name="getData" access="remote" returntype="query">
    <!--- Function to get data from datasource --->
    <cfquery name="data" datasource="#datasource#">
    select company_name, customer_id
    from customer_table
    where status <> '0'
    order by company_name

    <!--- Return results --->
    <cfreturn data>

<cffunction name="getDetail" access="remote" returnType="string">
    <cfargument name="company_name" type="any" required="true">

    <!--- localize function variables --->
    <cfset var dataDetail = "">
    <cfquery name="dataDetail" datasource="#datasource#">
        SELECT tax_rate
        FROM   customer_table
        <!--- adjust cfsqltype if needed --->
        WHERE company_name = <cfqueryparam value="#ARGUMENTS.company_name#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar">
    <cfreturn dataDetail.tax_rate>

<cffunction name="getAlerts" access="remote" returnType="query">
    <cfargument name="company_name" type="any" required="true">

    <!--- localize function variables --->
    <cfset var alertDetail = "">
    <cfquery name="getID" datasource="#datasource#">
        select customer_id
        from customer_table
        where company_name = <cfqueryparam value="#ARGUMENTS.company_name#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar">
    <cfquery name="alertDetail" datasource="#datasource#">
        SELECT *
        FROM   customer_alerts
        <!--- adjust cfsqltype if needed --->
        WHERE customer_id = <cfqueryparam value="#getID.customer_id#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar"> AND alert_status = 'on'

    <cfreturn alertDetail>

I am trying to display the query results for the query AlertDetail in a div on my main page.

Here is the portion of my CFM page that relates to this CFC:

          <cfdiv name="test" id="test" type="text" bind="cfc:cfcs.taxdata.getAlerts({company_name})" bindonload="true" bindattribute="value" rows="2" cols="2" readonly="yes"></cfdiv>

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. -Brian

I don't see anywhere in your CFM where you invoke the getAlerts() function, which is the only function I see that returns the AlertDetail query. Am I missing something?WillardSolutions
Hard to separate the wheat from the chaff here. Please edit the question to remove the code that does not pertain to the function and div in question.Dan Bracuk
Wot Dan said. Pls post a repro case that just demonstrates the issue without any unnecessary cruft (this should already be part of how you're own troubleshooting has panned out, I think)Adam Cameron
Sorry about that. I've posted the textarea where I am trying to display the alertDetail query results. I removed all the unecessary code. Thanks.Brian Fleishman
I only see a text box, not a div. A text box bind will be expecting a simple value, like a string. A query is a complex object, which is probably causing an error. Check the ajax debugger. Not related to your question, but .. you do not need to put cfoutput tags around queries. Any #variables# within the cfquery tag will be automatically evaluated. Also, it does not look like there is any need for two queries in getAlerts(). Just use a JOIN between the two tables.Leigh

1 Answers


Let's step back for a moment. I see your goal and sometimes using CFDiv only complicates things. I would just use AJAX. I wasn't sure what you meant by "two columns" so the current example I am sending you only shows one function being returned. Adding the second will be pretty easy to replicate.

    <script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
        // populate the dropdown
            type: "GET",
            dataType: "json",
            success: function (data) {
                // may need tweeking depending on how you are outputting your query.
                       var div_data="<option value="+obj+">"+obj+"</option>";
        // on change of dropdown value return the cfc data into the div
        $("#formSelect").change(function() {  
            var selectValue = $("#formSelect").val();
                type: "GET",
                dataType: "json",
                data: { 
                    company_name: selectValue
                success: function (data) {
        <select id="formSelect">
    <div id="test"></div>

Also, below is how you can add multiple results to the <div>

<!-- Use multiple AJAX calls to each function. Have them return in separate divs within the main div. -->

<div id="test">
    <div id="query1"></div>
    <div id="query2"></div>
    <div id="query3"></div>
    <!-- You can also do paragraph tags. JQuery only looks for the ID or class -->
    <p id="query4"></p>

Option Two

    In your ajax instead of using $("#test").html(data); you can use appentTo() for each AJAX call

success: function (data) {